Easy Test Coupon of Heterotrophic Bacteria
NC-808 Easy Test Coupon of Heterotrophic Bacteria
It can quickly determine the total number of bacteria in circulating cooling water,therefore, it is simple and convenient. It is most suitable to be used for determination of bacteria in circulating cooling water systems of those medium-scale or small-scale enterprises.
Content of heterotrophic bacteria, also known as total number of bacteria, is an important indicator to measure water quality. The number of its content will directly determine whether water quality is good or not.
Easy Test Coupon of heterotrophic bacteria has been started to develop since early 1988. It can conveniently, accurately and rapidly monitoring industrial cooling water, sewage and other heterotrophic bacteria in water content. This coupon is easy to carry and also suitable for on-site monitoring. So far, this coupon has been widely adopted by the factories all over the country, enterprises, research units.
I. Use Way:
a) Loosen the external tube of Easy Test Coupon of Heterotrophic Bacteria, pull out the test coupon, and submerge it into sample water for 1 minute.
b) Remove the test coupon, and let the excess water along the coupon edges dropped off naturally.
c) Insert the test coupon back into external tube, and then tighten.
d) Place the tube vertically inside the incubator with temperature between 27-30 0C for culturing bacteria. During is summer season, it can be directly placed for indoor culture.
e) Two days later, observe the flora grown on culture media of easy test coupons. Compare the tested density with the standard density map with photos in the appendix, so that you can easily determine the amount of heterotrophic bacteria.
f) It is recommended to prepare 2-3 paralleled test samples for each test.
II. Result Explanation:
Virtually all aerobic bacteria can grow on the test coupons, molds and yeasts can grow slowly on the test coupons.
Most of the bacteria will grow red flora on the test coupon. The number of heterotrophic bacteria in per milliliter of sample water will be determined by comparison of the number of flora grown on the test coupons with those shown in the standard density maps. If there is colorless flora appeared, it also should be included.
Obviously, to give a description of the degree of pollution indicators in sample water, will depend on the specific circumstances. The following data can be used as reference:
Concentrations of Heterotrophic Bacteria
104 --------- Slightly polluted
105-106------ Medium pollution
107 --------- Serious pollution
III. Storage:
The Unused Test Coupon should be stored airtight at room temperature, and must avoid light and ventilation in storage. They should be stored in a special refrigerator freezer, best 10-40C. It can not be mixed with food.
Pay attention to the production date on the box sign of test coupon (It will expire after 3-4 months). If the flora has been grown on the test coupon, you can not use.
IV. Attention!
Once the cover of test coupon has been unscrewed, it must be used immediately. Or, if you store it again, it will become ineffective.
Manufacturer: Nanjing NACO Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd.
Headquarter Address: Room 102, 29 Tian Fu Yuan, Si Bei Hou, Xin Mo Fan Road, Nanjing210009
Tel.: 025-83304102, 025-83314346 Mobile Phone:13905183146
Fax: 025-83231894
E-mail: shenhongli1935@163.com